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Rostering / Employee Scheduling Software

Automated Employee Scheduling / eRostering – save time, reduce costs and ensure regulatory compliance while delivering exceptional service.

· •Plan and Automate Shifts and Rosters
· •Cost out Rosters and Shift Patterns
· •Optimize Rosters to match expected Demand
· •Automatically Assign Tasks
· •Give Employees Control over Rostering
· •Eliminate Paper-based Rosters
Softworks Employee Scheduling Software Screenshot

Here’s what makes it great:

Effortless Shift Planning: Intuitively design shift patterns and rosters with automated employee scheduling.
Smart Cost Tracking: Easily monitor shift and roster costs, including overtime.
Task Allocation Made Simple: Distribute tasks fairly, considering employee skills and preferences.
Adaptable to Changes: Quickly adjust to last-minute staffing needs and future projections.
Empower Your Staff: Let employees manage their scheduling preferences for greater satisfaction.
Go Paperless: Eliminate paper and transition to digital scheduling to save time and reduce errors.
Compliance-Focused Scheduling: Align staff allocation with legal and operational standards, ensuring optimal workforce deployment.

Benefits of Employee Scheduling Software

Plan and Automate Shifts and Rosters

Schedule available employees into shifts and rotas with ease. Manage absences, and oversee employee total hours and costs. Align employee scheduling with work demand.

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Solutions Employee Scheduling Calendar Screenshot
Solutions Employee Scheduling Software Screenshot 2

Cost out Rosters and Shift Patterns

Show accurate costing for the allocation, including premium rates or any overtime rules.

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Automatically Assign Tasks

Assign tasks that consider employee preferences and fairness of shift distribution – bank holidays, weekends and night shifts.

Map employee tasks with skills & constraints – gender balancing, languages, years of service & seniority.

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Solutions View Roster Screen
Solutions Shifts Dashboard NoSide Screenshot 2

React to unforeseen situations and Futureproof

Fill any staffing gaps. Send triggers via email and text message to available staff and request them to fill the shift.

Anticipate staffing levels for a similar period and ensure you have adequate skilled staff assigned.

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Give Employees greater Control over Rostering

Give employees control over their rostering preferences. Enable them to check their rosters with ease by using the Softworks Employee Self-Service App.

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Solutions Employee Scheduling Software Screenshot 3
Solutions Employee Scheduling Software Screenshot 1

Eliminate Paper-based Rosters

Save time and money and reduce errors associated with manually prepared paper-based schedules.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Employee Scheduling Software?

Employee scheduling software is a tool designed to help businesses create and manage employee schedules efficiently. It automates the scheduling process and eliminates the need for manual scheduling, reducing the risk of errors and improving accuracy. The software can be used to create schedules, manage time-off requests, and approve shifts, making it easier to coordinate and communicate with employees.

How much does the Employee Scheduling Software cost?

Softworks pricing is determined by the size of your organization, with a one-time implementation fee. To get a quote, please click here.

Who uses Employee Scheduling Software?

Employee Scheduling Software is used by a wide range of industries and organizations across different sectors. It is commonly utilized by businesses of all sizes. Furthermore, it finds applications in industries such as retail, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, customer service, transportation, and more. Essentially, any organization that requires effective management of employee schedules can benefit from using Employee Scheduling Software.

How long does it take to implement Employee Scheduling Software?

The implementation time for Employee Scheduling Software can vary depending on the complexity of your organization’s requirements. Generally, the implementation process involves activities such as installation, configuration, integration with existing systems (if applicable), shift rules setup, employee data setup, and training. To get an estimate – Contact Us!

Where can employees view their rosters?

Employees can view their rosters through the Softworks Employee Self-Service Software on their Desktop or Mobile. Additionally, employees can set their availability, request preferred shifts, and swap shifts with their collegues.

Is there an App to view rosters?

Yes, Softworks Employee Self-Service App allows employees to view their schedules and rosters conveniently. The App is designed to be accessible on smartphones or tablets, providing employees with real-time access to their assigned shifts, upcoming schedules, time-off requests, and other relevant information. It enhances employee engagement and offers flexibility in accessing schedule-related details from anywhere.

Can Employee Scheduling Software integrate with 3rd party Payroll, ERP or HR systems?

Yes, Softworks Employee Scheduling Software can integrate with all major 3rd party Payroll, ERP, and HR systems. These integrations allow for seamless data exchange between different software solutions, ensuring that scheduling information is synchronized with payroll calculations, resource allocation, and HR processes. By integrating with these systems, the Employee Scheduling Software improves overall efficiency and reduces administrative tasks.

Can Employee Scheduling Software provide Shift Reports?

Yes, Softworks Employee Scheduling Software can generate comprehensive Shift Reports. These reports provide insights into shift assignments, employee attendance, hours worked, overtime, and other relevant data. Shift Reports help managers and supervisors monitor and analyze staffing levels, identify trends, assess employee performance, and make informed decisions to optimize scheduling processes and ensure effective workforce management.

Can Employee Scheduling Software manage organizations with more than 10000 staff?

Absolutely! Softworks Employee Scheduling Software is designed to handle organizations with a large number of staff, including those with more than 10000 employees. The software’s scalability ensures it can effectively manage and schedule shifts for organizations of various sizes, accommodating the needs of both small and enterprise-level companies.

Can Employee Scheduling Software manage multiple shift patterns?

Yes, Softworks Employee Scheduling Software is capable of managing and accommodating multiple shift patterns. It allows organizations to define and create different types of shifts based on their specific requirements. Whether it’s fixed shifts, rotating shifts, split shifts, or any other complex shift patterns, the software can handle them, ensuring accurate scheduling and optimal staffing for each shift.

How does the Employee Scheduling Software automatically assigns shifts?

Softworks Employee Scheduling Software utilizes various algorithms and rules defined by the organization to automatically assign shifts. These rules can consider factors such as employee availability, skills, preferences, labor laws, and business requirements. The software’s intelligent scheduling capabilities take these factors into account and generate optimized schedules based on the defined rules, ensuring fair and efficient shift assignments.

Is there a shift swap option for employees?

Yes, Softworks Employee Scheduling Software provides a shift swap feature that allows employees to request or initiate shift swaps with their colleagues. This feature enables employees to find suitable replacements for their assigned shifts, as long as it complies with the organization’s policies and rules. By facilitating shift swaps, the software promotes flexibility and employee collaboration and empowers staff to manage their own schedules to some extent.

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What We Do – The Softworks Story…

From Time and Attendance Tracking to a complete Workforce Management Solution…

What we have gained is better rostering, better control, comprehensive records, better reports and functionality to make changes or to test if proposed changes would work.

Bon Secours Health System

The automatic and to the minute Flexitime calculations and the automatic holiday calculations for employees have significantly reduced administration and manual tasks.


The System allows us to operate at multiple sites with the data being transferred to a central server.

Newbrook Nursing Home

Softworks has had a tremendous impact on the organization’s ability to be more efficient with time tracking, reporting, legislative compliance around confidentiality and privacy, and have better business outcomes.

Aids Committee of Toronto

Team leaders appreciate the fact that they can now plan more easily and that it’s much simpler to manage holidays and flexitime for their teams.

Fusion Antibodies

Employees find Softworks very user-friendly, they like the fact it’s easy to navigate and it’s updated in real-time, being able to check their clock cards and track actual time worked and bank time in lieu.

Aran Biomedical

Overall we are very happy with Softworks as it provides a much quicker and more accurate way of controlling everything from clock-in to wages payout and storing personnel information.


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