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Absenteeism Reduction

How Softworks can assist you to manage and reduce employee absenteeism?

Absenteeism image
  • · •End-to-End Absence Management Process
    · •Automated Absence Alerts
    · •Access to Bradford Factor Reports
  • · •Complete, Accurate and Real-time Data
    · •Absence Statistics and Regular Reports
    · •Persistent Offenders Tracking

Employee Absenteeism is often one of the most persistent obstacles to a company’s productivity and profitability. Absenteeism causes overtime, dissatisfied customers and low morale in other employees expected to cover for their absent colleagues. Absences occur for legitimate reasons such as illness or family emergencies but also due to hangovers, laziness and the desire to be elsewhere when the alarm goes off at 6 AM.

How to reduce employee absenteeism?

To effectively reduce employee absenteeism, companies have to find a reliable, consistent, fair and automated means of reducing employee absenteeism – Softworks Absence Management solutions offer just that.

Our Absence Management software automates the entire end-to-end procedure of absence management, applies company absenteeism policies and assists managers to implement absence management in a consistently fair manner.

Use Softworks Absence Management software to:

  • Streamline Processes:
    • Create a comprehensive end-to-end absence management process.
    • Fully automate the generation of Warning Letters and Return to Work forms.
  • Enhance Employee Management:
    • Encourage positive attendance behaviors among employees.
    • Provide a systematic, fair, and automated method for tracking repeat offenders.
  • Improve Data Management and Reporting:
    • Ensure access to complete, accurate, and real-time data.
    • Allow thorough assessments of employee hours and retain detailed absence statistics.
    • Run regular reports and access Bradford Factor reports.
  • Boost Supervisory Functions:
    • Enable automatic alerts for supervisors regarding any attendance issues.
    • Securely store critical employee information.
  • Assess and Compare Productivity:
    • Facilitate comparisons of productivity between different departments

Softworks Absence Management Solution sits quietly in the background and springs into action once an employee absence is recorded. From then on, each step in the process is fully automated, giving businesses a systematic and reliable way to track and manage absence.

Monitoring & Reporting on employee absenteeism

The ongoing monitoring and reporting facilities are at the core of our Absence management solution. They empower companies to detect employee absenteeism at the earliest stages and take care of it before it becomes a disruptive and costly problem.

Percentage Tables



Pattern Matching

Absence monitoring and reporting tools deliver the key information on employee absenteeism patterns to the right members of management at the right time, allowing them to address problem areas early and effectively.

Solutions Absence Management Screen 2

What We Do – The Softworks Story…

From Time and Attendance Tracking to a complete Workforce Management Solution…

What we have gained is better rostering, better control, comprehensive records, better reports and functionality to make changes or to test if proposed changes would work.

Bon Secours Health System

The automatic and to the minute Flexitime calculations and the automatic holiday calculations for employees have significantly reduced administration and manual tasks.


The System allows us to operate at multiple sites with the data being transferred to a central server.

Newbrook Nursing Home

Softworks has had a tremendous impact on the organization’s ability to be more efficient with time tracking, reporting, legislative compliance around confidentiality and privacy, and have better business outcomes.

Aids Committee of Toronto

Team leaders appreciate the fact that they can now plan more easily and that it’s much simpler to manage holidays and flexitime for their teams.

Fusion Antibodies

Employees find Softworks very user-friendly, they like the fact it’s easy to navigate and it’s updated in real-time, being able to check their clock cards and track actual time worked and bank time in lieu.

Aran Biomedical

Overall we are very happy with Softworks as it provides a much quicker and more accurate way of controlling everything from clock-in to wages payout and storing personnel information.


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Take the first step towards a complete workforce management solution. Talk to us today!