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As reported by the Irish Independent, fears have been raised concerning the new Government sick pay scheme processing. Although the concerns are valid, Softworks has a solution to alleviate the problem.

The Irish Payroll Software Developers Association (PSDA) has informed the Tánaiste Leo Varadkar about their concerns in a letter.

The letter, dated September 20, said:

“The Payroll Software Developers Association regrets to inform you that, due to the failure of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment to engage with the PSDA, our members will not be able to provide employers with software solutions to support the introduction of statutory sick pay for January 2023 as announced.”

The new sick pay scheme gives workers the right to three days of sick leave paid initially by their employer. It will be worth 70% of their wages with a cap of €110 a day.

The main issue appears to be the need to manually record sick days for Payroll due to the inability of software solutions to categorise and process those days automatically.


How can Softworks alleviate the problem?


Softworks Workforce Management Software has many qualities, one of them being configurability. Our software is capable of implementing organisational rules and procedures with ease. This gives our software users the ability to be flexible and adaptive to changes in their business environment.


In the case of the new Paid Sick Leave Scheme, the solution is simple: 


A Paid Sick Leave type is created using the Absence Management Module.

The Paid Sick Leave type becomes visible within the Softworks system.

The leave can then be simply input into the Absence Management screen.

The request and remaining leave balance are then exported to the Payroll system for processing.

*  Leave balances can be configured as rolling balances, or as calendar year balances to ensure as much flexibility as possible


Softworks Employee Self-Service App or Absence Management Module can be used to view and track the remaining paid sick leave balance while real-time reports can be generated for comparison with the Payroll records. 

With over 30 years of experience, Softworks is committed to delivering exceptional service tailored to the specific requirements of every customer. Our solutions aim to simplify, automate and streamline the process of workforce management.  

The new Sick Pay scheme comes into force in January 2023. If you would like to find out more about how Softworks can assist you with these changes, contact us today.

Learn more: How Softworks Absence Management Software can help you manage sick days and all other absence types?

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