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Alerts and Workflow

Alerts and Workflow module automatically notifies managers of employee management tasks that need attention, saves time and helps improve decision-making.

Alerts and workflows Solution image
  • · •Push Messages and Alerts to Managers
  • · •Deliver/Receive Event-triggered Alerts or Timed Tasks
  • · •Set up Rules for Triggered and Timed Alerts
  • · •Automate Tasks

Unlock the full power of Softworks Workforce Management Software by creating custom Alerts and Workflows that automate and streamline employee management tasks.

Push messages and alerts to your managers and supervisors rather than waiting for them to react or remember to check absent or late employees etc. Set reminders of approaching deadlines, notify of infringements of your Time and Attendance policy or benchmark the performance of one department against another.

Benefits of Alerts and Workflow


Push Messages

Push messages and alerts to your managers and supervisors rather than waiting for them to react or remember to check absent or late employees etc.

Triggered Alerts and Timed Tasks

Deliver and receive urgent, event-triggered alerts or timed tasks regarding employee timekeeping, overtime, absences etc. Allow managers to react on time.


Easily set up rules for triggered and timed alerts to remind your managers of activities they need to carry out, e.g. return-to-work interviews or employee timesheet approval.


Automate tasks by responding to Time and Attendance events, e.g. sending an email or generating a report in case of employee absence.

Access To Information

Give employees and managers the ability to add, view and delete tasks for themselves. Ensure they always have access to the information that is important to them.

Triggered Alerts vs. Timed Tasks

Triggered Alerts

A triggered alert enables an action to be taken when a particular event has occurred. Depending on your policies, you determine the actions because you know what information you want immediate access to. For example, you may want to schedule an alert if there is a sudden increase in sickness absence, overtime or a violation to working time legislation.

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Solutions Alerts screen 1
Solutions Alerts screen 2

Timed Tasks

A timed task is a task that is configured to run at certain intervals e.g. daily, weekly, monthly etc. Timed tasks could be used to automatically generate reports areas such as punctuality checks, monthly absence figures or weekly overtime reports.

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Key Capabilities


Can be integrated with other Softworks products to prompt managers to check for doctor’s notes, carry out return-to-work interviews or send reminders to do so.


Enhances the Softworks range as a proactive Time & Attendance solution.


Offers security – security selection and profile for users will be respected within the generation of tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are triggered alerts?

Triggered alerts are notifications or actions that are automatically initiated when a specific event occurs.

In Softworks Alerts and Workflow solution, triggered alerts can be set up based on your organization’s policies and requirements. For example, you can schedule alerts to notify you when sickness absence levels increase, overtime exceeds a certain threshold, violations of working time regulations occur, or holiday balances expire.

Can you schedule specific tasks?

Yes, with Softworks Alerts and Workflow solution, you can schedule specific tasks using timed tasks functionality.

Timed tasks can be configured to run at certain intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly, enabling you to automate the generation of reports or perform checks at regular intervals.

Can a manager be notified in case an employee is absent?

Yes, Softworks Alerts and Workflow solution allows managers to be notified in case of employee absences.

Triggered alerts can be configured to send automatic notifications to managers when an absence event occurs, ensuring they are promptly informed about employee absences and can take appropriate actions, such as finding a replacement staff member.

What are triggered alerts used for the most?

Triggered alerts are commonly used for various purposes, depending on the organization’s needs. Some of the most common uses for triggered alerts include:

– Monitoring and managing employee absence levels

– Tracking and controlling overtime costs

– Ensuring compliance with working time regulations

– Highlighting expiring holiday balances

– Notifying managers of specific events or violations

– Triggered alerts provide proactive notifications, allowing organizations to stay on top of critical information and take timely actions to address any issues or concerns.

What We Do – The Softworks Story…

From Time and Attendance Tracking to a complete Workforce Management Solution…

What we have gained is better rostering, better control, comprehensive records, better reports and functionality to make changes or to test if proposed changes would work.

Bon Secours Health System

The automatic and to the minute Flexitime calculations and the automatic holiday calculations for employees have significantly reduced administration and manual tasks.


The System allows us to operate at multiple sites with the data being transferred to a central server.

Newbrook Nursing Home

Softworks has had a tremendous impact on the organization’s ability to be more efficient with time tracking, reporting, legislative compliance around confidentiality and privacy, and have better business outcomes.

Aids Committee of Toronto

Team leaders appreciate the fact that they can now plan more easily and that it’s much simpler to manage holidays and flexitime for their teams.

Fusion Antibodies

Employees find Softworks very user-friendly, they like the fact it’s easy to navigate and it’s updated in real-time, being able to check their clock cards and track actual time worked and bank time in lieu.

Aran Biomedical

Overall we are very happy with Softworks as it provides a much quicker and more accurate way of controlling everything from clock-in to wages payout and storing personnel information.


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